Lady M is known as the creator of the world famous Mille Crêpes, an unforgettable cake coupling 20 alternating layers of soft cream and lacy French crêpes.
Shop NowLady M is a New York City luxury confections brand with boutique locations worldwide. Created in 2001 and led by CEO Ken Romaniszyn, Lady M is most famous for the creation of Signature Mille Crêpes. Lady M marries French pastry techniques with Japanese sensibilities, resulting in delicate cakes that are a touch sweet and perfect for every occasion.
Lady M is known as the creator of the world famous Mille Crêpes, an unforgettable cake coupling 20 alternating layers of soft cream and lacy French crêpes.
Shop NowLady M is a New York City luxury confection brand with boutique locations worldwide.
Find A BoutiqueFrom collaborations like Netflix and Baccarat, to new innovations, Lady M creates exciting product launches that take our products to the next level.
Learn MoreWe take great pride in our shipping and handling to ensure your cakes arrive in perfect condition. Our thermal insulation is recyclable and biodegradable!
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